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Emerald Eyes Page 3

  “I heading out, I’ll be back soon.” I tell Rose.

  She nods and resumes to her conversation over the phone. I walk to the elevator and while I wait, my mind is overflowing with a thousand thoughts.

  He’s sex incarnate! Oh God, what wouldn’t I do to get beneath him…

  It’s the main thought that keeps resurfacing, but I put it at the back of my mind. My main concern is to keep my job without stringing Mr. Miller along.

  The elevator doors open and I step into the crowded car, vaguely noticing the men parting like the Red sea as an idea pops into my mind.

  I should call uncle Boris.

  Uncle Boris would help me find anything I want to know about Mr. Hot-shot, but I need a new cellphone. Before heading to BLVGARI, I’ll make a quick stop at a cellular store. The elevator pings cheerfully as the doors smoothly slide open, matching my confident state as I step out to the lobby and head into the street.


  On my way to BLVGARI, I find a cellular store and leave with a brand-spanking-new, iPhone 5.

  The salesman was more than happy to activate and connect it to all my standing accounts, and somehow, I got to keep my old number. I make, ‘I’m sexy and I know it’ by LMFAO, my ringtone. I think it suits me. Then I call Laura and ask for uncle Boris’s number.

  Uncle Boris is ex-military. He’s papa’s younger brother and he can find anything, about anyone. He’s my hero, always saves me from anything. Since I’m an only child and he never married or had children, he cares for me as his own.

  “Slavsky.” Uncle Boris answers coolly.

  “Uncle Boris! Hi! It’s me, Katya.” I greet him excitingly.

  “Katya! Hi honey, how are you?” uncle Boris’s tone softens drastically.

  “I’m great. I’m sure you know where I am and what I’m doing...” I giggle. “And that’s kind of the reason why I’m calling you. I need your help, but…” I emphasize the word. “Not a word to papa.” I try to sound menacing.

  “Sure, honey. Anything for you… what’s up?”

  “Ok… I need some information and a background check on my boss…”

  “Did he hurt you?” uncle Boris interrupts me.

  “No, no, nothing like that. I just started working for him, I just want to make sure he’s not a creep or anything like that.”

  “Oh… ok, what’s his name?”

  “Eric Miller.”

  “No problem. I’ll email you within an hour… and if anything happens, call me.” Uncle Boris prompts.

  “Thank you uncle Boris. I really appreciate this and please don’t forget, not a word to papa!”

  “No problem.” I sense his smile.

  “Thanks again, I got to run.”

  I really do.

  “My pleasure, bye Katya.” Uncle Boris says warmly and hangs up.

  I walk towards the BVLGARI store for about fifteen minutes. Feeling slight discomfort in my five-inch heel pumps only when I get there. I enter the luxurious store and the sales woman recognizes me immediately.

  Carla? I try to remember her name.

  “Miss Slavsky! How lovely to see you.” The woman’s face warms up instantly, and she orders the young lady next to her to get me a flute of champagne.

  “Oh, no need for that.” I shake my head. “And it’s Slav.”

  The girl stops in her tracks and looks at Carla. Carla dismisses her, with a small wave of her hand.

  “Well, how can I help you today?” she asks over-sweetly.

  She thinks I’m here to shop.

  “I’m here to pick up a package for Mr. Miller.”

  “Oh...?” Carla looks at me, confused.

  “I work for him, his executive assistant.” I explain.

  I watch her as the penny drops in her head. “Yes, of course… just one moment.” She recovers and heads to the back of the store.

  While Carla is gone, I look around and a gorgeous necklace on display catches my eye. The cannery diamonds shimmer under the store’s spotlights, luring me in like a moth to the fire. I start walking towards it but I stop midway.

  No temptations!

  My phone chirps up, startling me from my daydream about the glamorous necklace wrapped around my neck. I glace at the screen and freeze.

  Noelle. Crap.

  Not what I need right now. She’s probably going to talk my ear off about some party she’s dying to go to and I just have to go with her. She calls every week, day or night. But it’s different now. I can’t go out like that anymore. It’s not papa’s money I’ll be spending, it’s will be mine and I can’t waste a dime right now. I need to get this over with. Taking a deep breath, I press ‘Answer’.


  “Ka-ty-ya! I missed you so! When will I see your beautiful face?” Noelle lilts and I cringe.

  No, ‘how are you?’, nothing. No, with Noelle it’s straight to the point.

  “Hey, Noelle. I can’t talk long. I’m at work.”

  I can do straight to the point too.

  “You’re at what? Why on earth would you need to be working?” Noelle scoffs like I just told her she couldn’t afford the newest YSL purse.

  “Oh you know how I get. I was bored out of my mind, so I decided to try this out for fun.” I lie with ease.

  There is no way I am telling her the truth. This girl’s mouth is like the express train when it comes to juicy gossip, or any gossip. But it’s good in a way. She’ll take care of letting everyone know that I’m not available to party anymore.

  “Yeah, I know. But working?” Noelle says it like it’s a terminal disease.

  “Yep. Oh, I’m so sorry, Noelle. I need to get back to work. My boss is looking at me, talk to you later. Sorry, bye.” I hang up, not waiting for her reply.

  I exhale loudly and turn around, finding Carla returning from the back of the store, holding a small black jewelry box with the word BVLGARI written in gold on to of the lid. Carla walks behind the counter and types something into the computer. She picks up the receiver, and dials a number off the screen.

  “Hello, this is Carla from BLVGARI on Fifth Avenue, I have Miss Slav here to pick up the long Elisia earrings.”

  She quiets down as she waits for an answer.

  “Yes, of course. Thank you, good day.” She hangs up.

  Carla looks up and smiles politely, and then clicks some keys on the keyboard.

  “I didn’t know you worked for Mr. Miller.”

  “I started today.” I smile.

  She smiles back and reaches down for a small receipt.

  “Please, sign here.” Carla points with her thin finger, her nails are polished powder pink.

  I do as I’m told, and Carla places the box in a small shopping bag.

  “Will there be anything else?” she smiles, back to her sales woman persona.

  “No, that’s all. Thank you.” I give her a small smile and make my way back to the office.

  Long Elisia earrings, huh? That’s definitely for Barbie-want-to-be! I frown.


  Why do I care? She’s Mr. Miller’s girlfriend and that’s sweet of him. I shoo the unwelcomed thought and close the door on that subject.

  Back in the office, I don’t see Rose at her desk and for a moment I wonder where she is. I open the door to Mr. Miller’s office and my eyes meet his. My heart misses a beat. His eyes are spellbinding the color alone is hypnotizing. I could lose myself in them for hours.

  I blink rapidly and find my voice, “Umm… Sorry for interrupting, I have your package.”

  “Please, come in.” Mr. Miller waves at the chairs in front of his desk.

  I close the door behind me then gracefully settle on chair that is closest to me, and hand Mr. Miller the shopping bag.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you today?” I keep my tone polite but distant. I don’t want to go overboard with my flirting.

  “Yes. I have to travel for some of my meetings and conferences. I will need you accompany me.” Mr. Miller
says as a matter of fact.

  My eyes widen a fraction, and my eyebrows lift.

  “Some of these meetings are done over dinners, and I don’t have a date. Also, you’ll need to organize some paperwork.” Mr. Miller explains then shrugs.

  It’s a part of the job… right?

  “Umm… I don’t want to intrude, but isn’t the woman from this morning, your girlfriend?” I ask a little embarrassed and intrigued.

  “No, she’s not. She’s just… a good friend.” Mr. Miller’s sinful lips curl up into a small smile.

  “Oh… umm, ok. I will be there. When?” My confidence is through the roof.

  Not his girlfriend! Oh crap… she’s that type of friend. I don’t want her shadowing him.

  “I emailed you all the details. I have a company jet for these types of trips, so don’t waste your time trying to purchase airline tickets.”

  “Great.” I smile.

  Mr. Miller’s eyes narrow a bit and he looks like he’s trying to read me.

  Keep trying.

  “We’re leaving tomorrow, make sure you pack your swimsuit. We’re going to Miami.” Mr. Miller watches me intently, gauging my reaction.

  “Lovely! Did you choose a hotel?” I keep my face calm and ignoring his swimsuit comment.

  Though I would love to see him in his swim trunks… or without them all together…

  “Hilton Bentley. The assistant before you booked everything already, but I would like you to double check.” I notice a hint of frustration in his voice.

  Oh no… don’t get him frustrated.

  “Great choice.” my tone is sweet once more.

  “Thank you. I prefer the president suite. Since there are two bedrooms in it, you can stay in the suite with me.”

  Whoa! Danger! I don’t think so. I will definitely end up in his bed, mess everything up and lose my job.

  I keep my face calm, even though I’m shocked to the bone. “Why would you want to share your suite with me?” I ask calmly.

  “I will need you close to me. You are my executive assistant.” He’s freaking serious too. Mr. Miller’s eyes are hard and determined.

  “Oh… all right then. I’ll call the hotel after I look over your email.”

  Oh boy… is this really happening?

  I’m a little stunned. Is sharing a suite with this sexual God a good idea, especially when I’m trying not fall for him? I’m about to find out.

  I need to check my email. Maybe uncle Boris sent me the info already.

  Mr. Miller looks down at his watch. “You can go after checking with the hotel, oh… you will need this.”

  Mr. Miller opens one of the drawers in his desk, picks something up and places is before me. A platinum American Express.

  “This is yours to use for any work expenses. I’m leaving soon for a meeting. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Mr. Miller smiles.

  “Ok.” is all I managed to say.

  I pick up the card and walk back to my desk. I open the email program, log in into my account and find two new emails in my inbox, one from uncle Boris and another from Mr. Miller.

  I quickly open uncle Boris’s email and skim through it, but there is not much to read. Mr. Miller is four years older than me. His father deceased, and one more detail that catches my attention, Mr. Miller has won the national piano competition when he was twelve.

  He plays the piano… like me.

  I scroll down to the bottom of the page, finding a note uncle Boris wrote:

  ‘Your boss is a very private person and has spent a lot of money to keep it that way. From what I learned, he’s not a freak or a pervert. You should be fine, but watch your six, Katya.’

  Hmm… hiding something?

  I deliberate, but then I remember what papa told me a long time ago, that we are protected, that no one could use our financial and private information against us. Maybe it’s the same for Mr. Miller he just wants some privacy. I close uncle Boris’s email and move to Mr. Miller’s.

  I need to be at the private jet hangar, number five, in LaGuardia airport at five thirty in the morning.

  Five thirty? Ugh…

  Fine. Pack for five days…

  Five days to get to know Mr. Sensuality… while we’re sharing a suite… I’m in sexy hell.

  I call the Hilton Bentley hotel and double check with the receptionist that everything is in order. Once I’m done, I turn my computer off and grab my purse. I open the glass door and say goodbye to Mr. Miller.

  “I’m done, Mr. Miller. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Until tomorrow.” He smiles.

  I say bye to Rose and head to the elevator.

  Not bad for a first day…

  The cheerful ‘ding’ announces the elevator car has arrived so I step inside and right before the doors close, a hand reaches out and stops them. It’s Mr. Miller. His smile pops out of nowhere and I forget how to breathe momentarily.

  What on earth?

  Mr. Miller steps inside followed by another man. The man is short and somewhat overweight. His eyeglasses slide down to the tip of his nose as he frantically tries to locate something, a document I believe, in his leather briefcase. When the man finally finds the document he needed, he exhales loudly then embarrassed, looks at me and at Mr. Miller. We both give him a sympathetic smile. Moments later, the man departs.

  It’s just Mr. Irresistible and me…

  That compelling sexual attraction is there again, stronger than before. It’s rising and crackling between us, awakening every cell in my body. My skin tingles with Mr. Miller’s alluring proximity, my breaths come out longer as I try to keep a cool front, trying not showing any change in my bearing, when suddenly the elevator jerks and halts, almost knocking me off my feet. I find my equilibrium and look up at Mr. Miller, his eyes widen and he frowns.

  “Wha…” and before I can finish the word, the lights flicker off.

  We’re standing in complete darkness. Instinctively, I grab Mr. Miller’s forearm, gasping from the sudden loss of sight and feeling his rock hard muscles underneath his sleeve. I feel Mr. Miller’s hand moving to mine, winding our fingers together so we’re holding hands.

  “This is probably the best time to tell you, I’m a little claustrophobic.” I whisper embarrassed and terrified.

  “Oh… well, if it makes you feel better, being stuck in a dark elevator is not really my favorite thing to do.” Mr. Miller sounds calm.

  With my free hand, I take my cellphone out. I find the flashlight app and use my phone to illuminate the dark space.

  “Point it here.” Mr. Miller orders.

  I move the light to where he’s pointing. Mr. Miller opens a hidden door in the wall of the elevator and presses a single button on the flat surface.

  “Hello? This is Eric Miller. I’m in the north elevator. It’s stuck between the twenty-ninth and the thirtieth floor.”

  “Oh! Mr. Miller, we’re sorry about that. We’re conducting an inspection… I thought we closed that one, Jerry!” the man on the other line shouts at someone else.

  “I’m so very sorry about this Mr. Miller, we’re working on fixing it now, it shouldn’t take more than fifteen minutes.” The man sounds anxious.

  “All right, thank you.” Mr. Miller closes the concealed door then turns to me.

  “Are you all right?” His eyes searching mine, probably looking for signs of panic.

  “I’m fine.” my voice low and shaky.

  God, I hate small dark places.

  I try to calm myself and after a few moments, my breathing normalizes a bit.

  “Shall we sit?” I ask Mr. Miller because my legs are starting to buckle.

  Mr. Miller nods and we settle down on the floor. I sweep my legs to the side and he stretches his long ones, out in front of him. I put my cell on the floor next to me, pointing the screen up, so the light hits the ceiling and then bounces off to the walls, enveloping us with dim light.

  We’re still holding hands. I notice now that Mr. Miller’s thumb
is stroking my knuckles softly. I find this small gesture very comforting and seducing at the same time, and I don’t dare to move my hand. Mr. Miller’s reverent touch makes my heart flutter and I’m confused at my reaction. He’s barely touching me but I feel calm and yet completely turned on and attuned to him.

  “Can I ask you something?” Mr. Miller interrupts my silent observation.

  “Yes, of course.” I say intrigued.

  Mr. Miller’s eyes look almost black, like the sea at night.

  “Are you dating anyone?” his voice is low and curious.

  My eyes widen, “Umm… no.” I hear my voice sounding more surprised than I intended.

  “I wanted to make sure that the traveling wouldn’t cause you a problem.” Mr. Miller shrugs.

  Oh… so he’s not interested?

  This man is so confusing. I don’t think I’ve ever had this type of resistance from any man… not that I should even think about this, he’s my boss. I frown slightly at my contradicting feelings, my heart and my body are saying, ‘Yes!’ but my brain is saying, ‘No!’

  “I see.” I mutter.

  Mr. Miller looks down at our intertwined hands and a ghost of a smile touches his lips.

  “I haven’t held hands since I was sixteen.” He muses quietly.

  I release a small giggle. “Yeah, it’s been a few years for me as well.”

  I look into Mr. Miller’s eyes, finding them burning with a feeling I recognize. Longing… but for what?

  I don’t know.

  We sit there for a few minutes, but it feels like forever, holding hands in the dim light with our eyes locked. I feel so calm with him holding my hand, gazing down at me, it relaxes me. Mr. Miller’s thumb rhythmically brushes over my knuckles, soothing my uneasiness and stroking my desire. I’ve never felt this hedonic mix of emotions before. Being peaceful while burning with lust at the same time. I’ve never felt anything like this with any of my previous boyfriends.

  He’s not your boyfriend.

  Not yet. And at that moment, I decide.

  I want him.

  I don’t care that he’s my boss. I don’t care about his ‘friend’. I want to feel more of this with him, I want to capture this sensual, powerful man and make him mine.